IN 2023, 2200 PEOPLE

...have been supported by Pentreath towards their personal goals.

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The Help2Wellbeing project from Pentreath provides personalised mental health and well-being support on a one to one basis, for up to 6 weeks, for clients in Cornwall, helping to prevent crisis and promote mental and emotional well-being.

Our aims are to:

  • Help and support Community Mental Health Teams
  • Help prevent crisis
  • Promote emotional well-being.
  • Provide early intervention and help prevent relapse
  • Encourage engagement in the local community
  • Support recovery


We are currently working alongside the Single Point Of Access Team  (SPOA) and all referrals are made via this route


Help2Wellbeing Referral Form Feb 2021

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Thank you for visiting

If you feel that you need to talk to someone urgently then please call the 24/7 Cornwall mental health helpline on 0800 0385 300.  You can call for free, any time of day or night, if you are worried about your own or someone else’s mental health.  The team behind the 24/7 telephone service will listen to you and determine how best to help. Alternatively, please call the Samaritans on 116 123.

Thank you.